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Marie-Claude Germain

    .  1 250 512 1153

Do you know what your home is worth? 

A home evaluation will determine the current value of your home, helping you make an informed decision.


The correct selling price of your home is the highest price that the market will bear. To assist you in determining the correct asking price, I will provide you with a comprehensive market analysis of comparable properties sold and offered for sale in your neighborhood.


Simply enter your criteria below, and I will provide you with a speedy response. The more information given, the more accurate the  evaluation. All information you provide is secure and will be kept strictly confidential.



Criteria to enter for your submission:


Year built:

Sq. Ft.:



Has Suite:



Additional criteria and information.


Submission Form 

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Marie-Claude Germain

Fair Realty Rossland Branch

250 512-1153

1993 Columbia Avenue, Rossland, BC

V0G 1Y0

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